Tuesday 4 June 2019

Finding a song I only vaguely remember with Docker and Mysql? (and luck)

The Background

Last night, while watching Love Island (yeah, so what? 😃) after coming back from an ad break they played a song I recognised from the early 2000s by Tim Deluxe (slightly nsfw, depending on your workplace) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FjauOAhBHw

This reminded me of another song that I think was around at the same time (Disclaimer: 'same time' here might mean a period of my life spanning a few years, in this case 'University'), but I was struggling to remember what it was called, or who it was by.

All I remember of that mostly forgotten tune was an animated dog walking around, the basic bass melody part, and that I think it had something about the weekend in the name. I remember talking to someone about it at university, so this was somewhere between 2001 and 2003. I must have seen it at some time on a Friday or Saturday morning on TV in Australia on Rage.

First step to try and find this song I'm thinking about: Some random google searching. Trying 'dog walking music video', 'music video with a dog from early 2000s', and various combinations of that revealed nothing closer to the song I was thinking of. I tried the images and videos tabs, nothing looked familiar.

Next step: asking friends from where I grew up. Nope, no one saw it. There were some suggestions though: Nope, also nope, still nope. Then someone suggested the The Internet Music Video Database, this could be something! However, since this is user entered data I wasn't too hopeful. I browsed through all videos released in 2000 to 2003 on this website (800-900 per year!) but could see nothing familiar.

So back to Rage, that's my only lead.

One big advantage here is that some time when the internet was getting a bit more popular Rage started publishing their playlists from every night online. People have taken these playlists and created websites that allow you to re-live these very late Friday and Saturday nights: rageagain.com and rageaholic.tv.

I noticed on rageagain.com that there's a link where you can download a dump of their database.
Well this makes it interesting. I'm sure if I could find the name I'd recognise it. And this is where I can step in and help myself!

The Findening

First I'll get the data from rageagain.com:

wget http://www.pjgalbraith.com/wp-content/uploads/rageagain-01-01-2013.sql.zip

It looks like it's a dump from mysql using phpmyadmin which should be easy enough to handle. I need a quick mysql instance so I'll look at the official docker mysql images first on Docker Hub.
In the examples on Docker Hub there's a docker-compose example that also includes a basic administration interface. First thing to do is get docker installed, I'll leave that as an exercise for yourself.

Next, create my docker-compose file, save the following as mysql.yaml:

# Use root/example as user/password credentials
version: '3.1'

    image: mysql
    command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
    restart: always
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: example
    image: adminer
    restart: always
      - 8080:8080

These are all the defaults given in the example, I'm not too interested in security here since this is a once off viewing of the data.
Bring the containers up from my docker compose file:

docker-compose -f mysql.yml up

Once everything's downloaded you should be able to access mysql adminer via http://localhost:8080/.

To login use the username of 'root' and the password of 'example' (or whatever you changed it to), leave the other values as defaults. Next, create a new database to put your import in by clicking on the Create Database link, give it a name of 'rageagain' and then click on Save.

Now you can import the data from rageagain.com. Click on the Import link on the left hand side, click on choose files and select the sql file you have from the zip file downloaded earlier. Click on Execute, wait a minute or so and then your database will be populated.

Now what?

I know that:
  • I heard this song some time between 2000 and 2003 
  • I vaguely something about the weekend or a holiday in the title.

The data in the database is divided into playlists and tracks. So lets try some queries and see if I recognise anything:

First, anything played between 2000 and 2003 with 'Weekend' anywhere in the title:

SELECT distinct t.artist, t.track
FROM `playlists` p, `tracks` t
where year(p.date) in ('2000','2001','2002','2003') and t.playlist_id = p.id
and UPPER(t.track) like '%WEEKEND%'
order by t.artist, t.track

8 rows, but no nothing familiar there.

OK, how about looking for each day name instead?

SELECT distinct t.artist, t.track
FROM `playlists` p, `tracks` t
where year(p.date) in ('2000','2001','2002','2003') and t.playlist_id = p.id
order by t.artist, t.track

23 rows in total, this should be easy. AND THERE IT IS!

Johnny Corporate - Sunday Shoutin' 

As soon as I saw the name I recognised it (This looks like it was fast, and it was, but I did try a couple more queries out to check the data, but it was about this fast). And to verify it's the one i'm thinking of, the film clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TLFdGNAo4g

It is! I've found it! Now I can get back to thinking about something else...